1) The 179D Energy Efficient Commercial Building Deduction provides a tax deduction of up to $5.00 per sq. ft. for building owners who construct new property or renovate existing energy efficient buildings or developers if they use Geothermal.
2) The Section 48 Investment Tax Credit under the Inflation Reduction act allows for up to a 40% Tax Credit on the total cost of the system. (30% ITC + 10% if American made products are used or in an Energy Community) 80% basis on this is actualized. Prevailing wage or Union Workers is necessary. So, a $5M system would = $2M in year 1 tax credit.
3) Typically a 60% Energy Savings for the entire heating and cooling and hot water creation of all the buildings + full year round temperature control of all the pools/wave pool at 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit.
4) Recycling of up to 100% of all Wastewater back into potable water that can be used for all showers and sinks. So, the water that goes down the drain can be recycled. There is another level possible to this of purifying all these waters into drinking water.
5) Avoided Costs of wasted Evaporated Water from traditional Cooling Towers and Chillers. Typically twice as much water will be saved (minimum) to counter the evaporation of a Wave Pool. Translates into Millions of gallons of water saved and the cost per gallon associated with this.
6) Avoided Costs of Natural Gas - Geo Thermal Energy Systems require no natural gas. With rising gas prices this hedges against uncertainty in the OPEX.
7) These systems typically cost the same as traditional. However, we eliminate the CAPEX costs of the developers balance sheet. We pay for all Design, Maintenance and Operation of the system for 25-50 years. This is done with an "Energy as a Service" agreement which LOCKS in a fixed rate of the annual costs for the end user. This we guarantee will be much less than traditional energy intensive systems. A levelized cost for this necessary component of every projects enhances and secures the projects OPEX and Pro-Forma when it comes to financing and the long term business model.
7B) This annual fixed rate can then be leverage to provide a higher rate for subtenants on the site such as F&B tenants or Residents in the master plan. The Site Owner/Developer can becomes its own re-seller of these services that we maintain and operate for the Site owner. For example 8 Cents per square foot cost can be re-sold to on site sub-tenant end user/resident for 12 Cents per sqft. So this additional revenue generation is possible.
7C) For master Planned communities we will levelize the cost. This can be integrated into the monthly HOA for a 25-50 year period. With rising electricity and natural gas prices, this eliminates yearly fluctuations.
8) Carbon Credits: We have the Software to calculate your projects Carbon Reduction on a monthly basis for Water, Energy and Natural Gas. Which we then can compare with vs without our systems and then help you monetize them for significant yearly returns.
9) Overall, this provides a better Public Relations view on a local and national level. Using these systems is truly the only way to counter the negative press Wave Pools get from a water usage and non-sustainable vantage point. More importantly, this is the only way we can make the transition of buildings toward total electrification.